Arts/Culture/Historic Preservation

who we are

The committee was established to ensure arts and culture is incorporated in the city and continue to inspire community participation while creating an appreciation for the arts and humanities. The committee wants to provide the community opportunities to learn and experience a variety of social and cultural events within their hometown. By doing so, the committee can encourage a variety of diverse programs and educate the City and surrounding cities. We believe that exposure to the arts is a fundamental component to strengthening a diverse education and culture with programs such as theater, music, poetry, visual arts and more. All while also positively impacting the economy of the City. This committee meets quarterly or as needed.

Byron Lewis


committee functions

To continue to inspire greater participation and an appreciation for the arts and humanities activities by providing the Edinburg community the opportunity to learn of and experience the various social, cultural, and economic benefits.

join a committee

If you are an Edinburg citizen and are interested in joining a committee, please click the link below and fill out the form.
Edinburg citizen input is greatly valued. 

when do we meet?

The City of Edinburg Arts/Culture/Historic Preservation Committee meets on the third Thursday of every month at noon. To see when our next meeting is scheduled, along with relevant documents such as Agendas and Minutes,  please click on our calendar link below.