Neighborhoods/Parks/Green Spaces/Beautification
who we are
The committee has been created in order to preserve neighborhoods, parks and green spaces in the community for the community and future generations. Through a collaboration of surrounding partners such as the City of Edinburg, ECISD, EDC, Chamber of Commerce, UTRGV and others, the committee wants to continue to fund and facilitate beautification projects and share resources for parks and green spaces for the community. The committee wants to continue to expand in the future and provide a volunteer program in order to allow citizens of all ages to participate in educating and proving innovative ideas to better the community while sharpening their own skills. We want to continue to expand in years to come to other areas in the City. This committee meets quarterly or as needed.
Kristina Valadez
committee functions
To create a design to help preserve neighborhoods, parks and green spaces in the community for future generations, to create healthy living spaces in the community, to enhance the environment and promote community’s unique heritage.

join a committee
If you are an Edinburg citizen and are interested in joining a committee, please click the link below and fill out the form.
Edinburg citizen input is greatly valued.
when do we meet?
The City of Edinburg Neighborhoods/Parks/Green Spaces/Beautification Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 6 P.M. To see when our next meeting is scheduled, along with relevant documents such as Agendas and Minutes, please click on our calendar link below.