Mayor's Youth Advisory Council
who we are
The committee’s main function is to provide Edinburg’s young generation the necessary tools, training and trust to apply their creativity and skills to better their community. By having the young generation’s voice heard in their local government, new and innovative ideas and projects can be made by inviting new and young minds to participate while giving them leadership skills, experience, confidence and support to success and exceed in their future and that of the City of Edinburg. This committee’s goal is to provide Edinburg’s youth more involvement with a variety of departments such as drainage, real-estate and development, career programs for youth safety in the city, law school and higher education among other crucial areas in the future. An annual session schedule will be posted online for times and dates when the committee will be meeting to learn more about the goals and missions of this committee. This committee meets quarterly or as needed.
sabrina walker hernandez
committee functions
To include the perspective of the City’s youth by becoming engaged in establishing the future of the their City.

join a committee
If you are an Edinburg citizen and are interested in joining a committee, please click the link below and fill out the form.
Edinburg citizen input is greatly valued.
when do we meet?
The City of Edinburg Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council meets on the first Thursday of every month at 6 P.M. To see when our next meeting is scheduled, along with relevant documents such as Agendas and Minutes, please click on our calendar link below.