Government Transparency/Equity/Civic Engagement
who we are
The committee serves to improve the City’s transparency and communication between the City of Edinburg and the community. This committee will focus on providing a clear and timely communication on city initiatives. We also want to work on providing a digital newsletter which members can subscribe to and have easy access to. It is important to also provide a place for easy and accessible feedback from the community which will be taken into consideration to implement changes around the City. The committee would also like to create a strategic plan for the city to have more transparency which we believe is very important when it comes to local government. The committee would also like to work towards having a supplemental, marketing team, branding across the City, more accessibility to the council and mayor for citizens and more. This committee meets quarterly or as needed.
kimberly selber
committee functions

join a committee
If you are an Edinburg citizen and are interested in joining a committee, please click the link below and fill out the form.
Edinburg citizen input is greatly valued.
when do we meet?
The City of Edinburg Public Safety Committee meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 6 P.M. To see when our next meeting is scheduled, along with relevant documents such as Agendas and Minutes, please click on our calendar link below.