Economic Development/Innovation/Entrepreneurship/workforce
who we are
The committee was created to efficiently and effectively leverage resources and collaborate with organizations in Edinburg to promote economic growth, expand the tax base, and create quality and educational career and business opportunities for its citizens. The committee works together to research and investigate of any issues around the city while ensuring that the City has adequate supplies and support to provide for and fuel the city’s growth and development now and in years to come. This committee meets quarterly or as needed.
Pedro Salazar
committee functions

join a committee
If you are an Edinburg citizen and are interested in joining a committee, please click the link below and fill out the form.
Edinburg citizen input is greatly valued.
when do we meet?
The City of Edinburg Public Safety Committee meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:00 P.M. To see when our next meeting is scheduled, along with relevant documents such as Agendas and Minutes, please click on our calendar link below.